Types of Gifts

你给威廉希尔中文的礼物将支持59人,因为他们通过信仰改变世界, learning, leadership, and service. 你捐出的每一分钱都是为了安德烈的卓越传统, and there are many ways to make a gift to Andrean High School.

Through the planned giving site, 任何形式的捐赠都可以直接转入现有的捐赠基金或创建新的捐赠基金,以支持安德鲁高中.


Please contact the Development Office for more information.

现金是最简单的慈善捐款方式之一. 现金捐赠可以是支票、汇票或本票. Please mail or hand-deliver your contribution to:


Andrean High School
Attn: Development
5959 Broadway
Merrillville, IN 46410

您可以通过我们的在线捐赠表格向Andrean捐赠任何主要信用. Making your gift online is fast, easy, and secure; backed by Blackbaud Merchant Services, 满足业界最严格的数据安全标准的1级PCI服务提供商和支付网关.


Give Now 


Increase your impact and become a monthly donor! You may not be able to give a large amount all at once, but imagine if you gave a moderate amount every month. Your $50 monthly gift becomes $600 annually. Or $100 a month adds up to $1,200.


Become a Recurring Donor


Gifts-in-kind are contributions of goods or services, such as items, products, 或者免费提供的技术劳动或专业咨询等服务. Gifts-in-kind play an important role for Andrean, 这样我们就可以把本来花在捐赠物品或服务上的钱转到学校的其他重要需求上. Gifts-in-kind are tax-deductible as well!

你的雇主可能会给你一份相应的礼物来加强你对安德里安高中的支持. 联系你的人力资源部门,询问你的公司是否匹配你的慈善捐款,以及是否需要额外的文书工作.

Gifts of securities are accepted by Andrean High School. 赠与证券,可以使赠与人按照赠与财产的公允市场价值扣除税款,同时避免对赠与财产征收资本利得税. 安德里安高中将与你合作促进有价证券和有价证券的捐赠.

如果你的年龄超过70岁半,你必须从你的个人退休账户中提取最低分配. Normally, this distribution is taxed as ordinary income. However, 联邦立法目前允许你从你的个人退休账户直接分配给一个合格的慈善机构, such as Andrean High School. Such distributions, while not subject to income tax, 将仍然算在你所要求的最低分配中吗.

人寿保险是一种简单的方式来作出重大贡献. You may give a policy that is no longer needed, take out a new policy, 或将安德里安高中列为现有政策的受益人. 将保单的收益、现金价值或其中任何部分用于威廉希尔中文.

安德里安高中可以被指定为捐赠者的合格退休计划福利的受益人, including IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and Keogh (HR-10) plans. 退休福利也许是给安德里安高中捐款最省税的方式.

为纪念某人而作的捐款可以用来庆祝生日, an anniversary, Mother’s or Father’s Day, or as a unique Christmas present. They can also mark graduation, birth, or any special occasion. When you make this kind of donation, 只要表明你的捐款是“为了纪念”某人. 您将收到一张特别的卡片,通知您的受奖人您的捐款确认信.

为纪念特别的人而捐款反映了你对他人生活产生持久影响的愿望. 你也可能希望以你的名义制作纪念礼物,作为你最后计划的一部分. After a memorial contribution is received, 我们会向捐款人发出附有税单的确认信,并向捐款人家属或指定人士发出纪念礼物的确认信和摘要.  No individual gift
除非捐赠人要求,否则捐赠金额将向家属披露. 你是否希望在安德高中的纪念礼物的讣告中包含信息, you may use the following wording:



Online at: Give Here

Checks may be made payable to: 

Andrean High School

5959 Broadway

Merrillville, IN 46410


在我们的玛丽安石窟用一块砖刻出两份遗产:一份是对所爱之人的永恒纪念, your class, or your business, 第二项是为安德鲁高中的学生提供学费奖学金.


$100 – 4×8 Personalized Brick 
$2500 – Personalized Bench

参加或志愿参加任何安德烈的活动都是一个简单而有趣的方式来表达你对学校的支持.  这些活动也都有赞助机会. Please contact the Development Office for further details.

The Andrean Endowment formally operated as the Andrean Foundation. 任何形式的捐赠都可以直接转入现有的捐赠基金或创建新的捐赠基金,以支持安德鲁高中. 威廉希尔中文目前的捐赠基金存在于许多当地社区基金会以及西北印第安纳州天主教基金会. 



遗嘱中的遗赠是最简单的遗产赠与方式之一. 你可以从你的遗产中指定一个数额或百分比,直接给威廉希尔中文. Sample bequest language:


For Andrean, unrestricted:

I give, devise, and bequeath to Andrean High School, $_____的总和(或特定资产的百分比或描述), for the benefit of Andrean High School and its general purposes.


For a particular school program, unrestricted:

I give, devise, and bequeath to Andrean High School, $_____的总和(或特定资产的百分比或描述), for the benefit of the (department, team, or club of your choice) without further restriction.


For a particular school program for a specific purpose:

I give, devise, and bequeath to Andrean High School, $_____的总和(或特定资产的百分比或描述), for the benefit of the (department, team, or club of your choice) for the support of ____________________.


**自2021年1月1日起,所有体育专项捐款的10%将用于统一的体育基金. 该基金有助于为男孩和女孩的运动和所有安德烈队提供平等的机会.